Sunday, April 15, 2012

Dear Friends....

It is so heart breaking when friends become family and they leave.A few days back I got a shocking news of our friends moving to India, it was quite upsetting and even though I am happy that their  family is prospering  I can't believe the fact that they are actually is not that I won't be able to see them or loose contact(truly I don't want to), in these past years we got so close that we shared our pain,our frustrations,our happiness,saw our kids growing up, suffered the loss of a loved one. At this point they are more family than will not be same without them...but it goes on...I remember the day I landed in USA 10 years ago,did not have any idea what to do in this country, I was so depressed  that I cried almost everyday till my son was born ,then I kind of got used to the idea that I will be here for most of my life,  but now I am having second this point of my life I feel as if we do not belong anywhere, we came here as aliens thinking we can always go back but now when we  go for a visit I feel as if I am an alien there.

Change is good but it hurts too... :(

Good luck dear friend I truly wish you and your family to  prosper and have a great life...just don't forget us,because I will never :)

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