Monday, May 7, 2012

Fun with friends...

On Saturday I got a chance to go shopping with my friends, I have been in America for 11 years and this is the first time I went to shopping just with my friends with no kids and no husband.I mean going out with them was totally a great experience...they gave me advice,talked about what would look good on me. I would love to do this again if I ever get a chance.I always wished  for the time when I could spend few hours only  with my friends and talk about adult topics.
I love my husband and kids but sometimes I just want to be with my friends and talk about other topics other than school...potty training..:)

Does anybody think that taking time for yourself is selfish?

 I used to think so...but now I realize that to keep yourself sane you really need it. I really felt good after the shopping experience. I usually take a step back and think a lot  when it comes to buying stuff for myself as I am not working... I know my husband would not mind if I do, but I am just not comfortable to spend so much of money when I am not earning..

well I don't know how many stay at home mothers think this way but I do....

So anyway it was  a great weekend and hopefully I will have a job before I hit my 40....we will wait and see...

Have a great day..and I have few more updates regarding American girls dress so keep reading.....

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