Saturday, March 28, 2020

Corona Virus-COVID 19

It's been almost 3 years since I even looked at my blog. Truth be told, I have no idea what I was doing, it felt like I am just running and don't know where to. I was upset about a lot of things my weight, my kids, my health and so many petty but felt like important things...

I never thought that I will be living through a pandemic in my life,  even though we are making jokes about the virus and telling everyone I am exclusive, it does not feel we are excluded at all. The scary part is the uncertainty as to when we will find a cure for this. Sometimes it feels like Earth is taking over to take care of itself...the pollution, the weather changes, and so many reasons.

I have seen, good, bad and worse in humans. I see selfishness and selflessness working side by side, I am seeing people risking their lives for the welfare of the more vulnerable population.

I myself am worried about my family who is on another continent, to reach them felt easy till now. But as the countries are closing their borders the distance is feeling more real.

I know we will come out of this and we as humans will once again prove ourselves worthy to live on this beautiful planet. But what lessons are we learning through all this...

As of now the lessons I have learned are being mindful of everything, reducing wastage of food, buying only what is necessary, talking to my family and spending time with my kids, improving my skills in sewing and learning a lot from others. Learning about me...

In the meantime reflect on our life and remind ourselves what is important.

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