Saturday, March 28, 2020

Corona Virus-COVID 19

It's been almost 3 years since I even looked at my blog. Truth be told, I have no idea what I was doing, it felt like I am just running and don't know where to. I was upset about a lot of things my weight, my kids, my health and so many petty but felt like important things...

I never thought that I will be living through a pandemic in my life,  even though we are making jokes about the virus and telling everyone I am exclusive, it does not feel we are excluded at all. The scary part is the uncertainty as to when we will find a cure for this. Sometimes it feels like Earth is taking over to take care of itself...the pollution, the weather changes, and so many reasons.

I have seen, good, bad and worse in humans. I see selfishness and selflessness working side by side, I am seeing people risking their lives for the welfare of the more vulnerable population.

I myself am worried about my family who is on another continent, to reach them felt easy till now. But as the countries are closing their borders the distance is feeling more real.

I know we will come out of this and we as humans will once again prove ourselves worthy to live on this beautiful planet. But what lessons are we learning through all this...

As of now the lessons I have learned are being mindful of everything, reducing wastage of food, buying only what is necessary, talking to my family and spending time with my kids, improving my skills in sewing and learning a lot from others. Learning about me...

In the meantime reflect on our life and remind ourselves what is important.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Happy Pongal

Wish you all happy Sankranti.  I have not so active with my blog lately, I try hard but it's not happening. I have been doing a few projects but haven't been able to blog about them since I am paying my attention to my kids life more than mine. Well let's see if 2017 can change a little.

Enjoy your day .

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

School's out...

I have been trying to get back to my blog for so long... I can't seem to get myself to do it. Last summer  I took my kids to India for vacation , we had a blast(I had good time). As the kids are growing they  enjoyed the trip very for me "yay" no more diaper bags , no preparing baby food.

We met so many relatives and kids were surprised to see the extended family members. When asked  my kids only remember their best time was spending time with their uncle and aunt at Bangalore. 

India has so much history and wanted to show my kids that and lucky for me, my brother and my sister in law made it happen. Because of them I saw the best places ever, of all the places I loved a temple called " Chennakesava Temple " in Somnathpura. The architecture is amazing, this is "must see" place in India.

Somanathapura_Keshava_Temple.jpg (1958×1244)

India has lot to offer architecturally and culturally....  Some other places we visited were Srirangapatanam, Mysore palace,Bull temple,Bannerghatta   National park.
Bangalore palace, Flower show

These are just a few places but kids learned a lot and  enjoyed the trip. I guess everyone tries to make memories as much as possible...  Well we have to see what is in store for this summer... Enjoy your summer everyone. Time is running too fast....

Have a Happy Summer vacation...

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Happy New Year 2016

Happy New Year to all.

I can't believe a whole year passed by so fast. I have been quite busy to even write about anything. I kind of not done any projects or finish the ones that I started.  No one needs to know what I have been upto ,but I have seen and been through a lot this past year. Learned a lot about people and how they can change. Sometimes change is good but sometimes it hurts...a lot.  So many frustrations and not being able to share with anyone is even worse...

Kids are growing so fast, which makes me happy yet I am scared....

2015 for me was a rainbow ride, mix of every color.

Now let's see how 2016 will turn out....good luck to all. Have a wonderful year ahead.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New year 2015

Hopefully  this year will be better than last year.

Saturday, November 15, 2014


Yep, it's been a long time since I visited my blog. Summer went by quickly with friends and family. By the time I realised  we are preparing for another school year, activities and winter. But in all I have been busy too.

The only thing upsetting is I was unable to do most of the projects that I wanted to. I thought once my youngest starts school I will have plenty of time  to finish my projects but I am more  busy than ever.

With all the running around I managed to make a special rosetta costume for Halloween for my daughter. She is so specific about her costume, I had fun picking the fabric with her, designing the dress with her. I will post threes pictures soon...have a great weekend.

Sunday, June 22, 2014


I made sundresses for my daughter from  Joann's pre shirred fabric and used ruffle elastic for shoulder straps. I wanted something simple to make and not so time consuming(even though I love spending time on my sewing machine), this turned out to be a perfect project for that.

For this I got a yard of fabric and after washing it shrunk. My daughter's chest measurement is 23 inches, so I cut the fabric to 21 inches as I want it to be snug but not too tight. I stitched the sides and put it on her to see where the straps go, I used safety pins for securing the straps to dress as I didn't want to poke her with regular pins. I stitched the straps on and voila here is the pretty Minnie mouse dress. I added ruffle to increase the length.