Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Pokeball pillow

Good Morning everyone, my son has been asking me if I had posted his Pokeball pillow, so today I am going to do that.

here we go...

My son is big fan of Pokemon, I made this for him as a surprise.He was ecstatic when he saw his pillow.

I used Anti pill fleece for shell and  polyester fiber for stuffing. I can just throw it in the washer and in the dryer too.

I think I can write a quick tutorial (I wish I had taken some pictures..well)


1.Cut 1 circle each from red and white fleece.

2. Cut both the circles into two halves.

3. Now cut a 2 strips from black fleece, I just measured straight edge of the half circle and doubled it.

4. Next I cut two circles from black and white fleece, these are the ones you see in front of the black strip.

5. Now we will start putting everything together, first I sewed the small circles together one on top of each other.I used black thread just to give some dimension. Next  take one black strip and fold it in half to find the center so you can place the stitched up circles.Now stitch them together.

6. Now take one red half ,one white half  and stitch both of the to the long side of the black strip.Do the  same way to the other red,white half and black strip.

7. Now you should have two circles with red,white with black strip in the middle,keeping them right sides together stitch around leaving at least 4 inches gap to turn it inside out and to fill in the stuffing.

8. Now fill it as per your content, and whip stitch the gap closed.

Now you have your Pokeball pillow.


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