Monday, March 11, 2013

Miami Beach

We went to Miami a couple of weeks back, it was one of the best vacation ever. It was totally relaxing and spontaneous. We were either on beach or walking around the neighborhood or on a drive. There was no rush to go see places or visit anybody. I think everyone needs this kind of getaway once in a while. Even kids were able to relax, especially my son who was under a lot of stress with his busy schedule. At first I was not sure about the trip but now I can say it was totally worth...I loved the tropical fruit juices, the food, the atmosphere itself was so lovely that you just don't want to leave. But reality if you are used to being busy...even too much relaxing will be boring...
I believe ...too much of anything is bad....moderation is good.
So enjoy your family (even the ones that get on your nerves ;) ) and friends,  make great memories with your spouse and kids. Follow your heart, believe in yourself, take risks.....

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