Friday, May 24, 2013

Crazy 2 weeks

I just got a chance to sit down and atleast look into my blog, I have been busy from past 2 weeks with kids activities.My son had his chorus yesterday and today my daughter has her first ballet recital ever.  Yes YESTERDAY....was one of the days where it is too much and too many things going on, my daughter had her recital rehearsal  around 4 and my son had chorus at 6 and on the top I was helping out with little ballerinas... who are not so easy to handle...they are just too excited to go onto stage with their cute tutus and makeup ...after I left my daughter's rehearsal in a rush to make sure I can bring my son to his chorus on time I did a stupid mistake of not checking what I was carrying, after I came home beating the rush hour traffic realized I forgot my daughter's costume which was essential for her to perform today.Imagine my situation...if it was not for my dear husband I would have had a terrible he took charge of dressing my daughter and took my son to his school on time while I drove back to the rehearsal and found the costume YAY...while I was worried about the traffic, to my surprise there was so less traffic that I was able to go to my son's chorus early. In all this I learnt one thing mistakes do happen when you try to be a SUPER MOM but keep your cool and just think and don't hesitate to delegate...even though it was hectic day my son's chorus was so good I was able to relax and enjoy it...IT was spectacular.....

Looks like I have to run and finish of my chores...and get ready for my daughter's recital.  

So good bye and have a  great long weekend.

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