Sunday, May 12, 2013

Good thought and act...

Well  I don't know about everyone but I have seen a lot of changes in our weather this year, in India it is very hot and humid, it used to be so different growing up we used to call our place, where we had our house, as jungle but now it is still a jungle but a concrete jungle. I know there are still some people who think about nature and miss those big mango trees,guava trees,papaya tress,banana trees in their backyards and now for them, but they are being outnumbered. We cannot stop progress, but please at least think of the poor birds who are starving and dying without food and water. So I request all the kind people who visit my blog or just came here by accident to put out some water and food for them so they can feed themselves and their babies. I am so glad my kids have thought about it and on earth day we setup our food and drink station( as my kids named it)  for the birds. They keep checking on the food and water every day and fill it up as needed. I am glad they had this good thought and they acted on it. I wake up in the morning and go out and it is so pleasant to hear the chirps of chickadees,robins,blue jays and plenty more. Today we saw a Red winged-blackbird and a cardinal, my kids were so happy to see different birds. They get excited when they see new birds and want to learn about them. So please let our kids learn about the birds now or we will have to take them to a museum to show these birds....

Thank you and hope you will help these birds.... Have a great  night.

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